About the Prof

My Teaching Style: I very much welcome questions and interaction. I hold a very high view of Scripture, but realize that dedicated, thoughtful Christians hold different views. With controversial issues, I fairly explain each view, their pros and cons, and leave it up to the student to decide their own position. To the best of my ability, I offer well-researched, evidence- based presentations.

Some College & Graduate Courses I Have Taught:
Biblical History:
New Testament History and Literature
New Testament Historical Perspectives
Old Testament Historical Foundations

Biblical Interpretation:
Hermeneutics/Biblical Interpretation
History of Hermeneutics
New Testament Exegesis
Bible as Literature

Systematic Theology
Christian Worldview

Biblical Exegesis:
Pauline Epistles
General Epistles & Revelation

Spiritual Formation
Theories of Leadership
The Work of the Pastor
Leader as Coach
Conflict Management
Dynamics of Christian Organizations